It is recommended that all Gangways and Accommodation ladders should meet IMO 1331. To meet this they should be inspected annually and load tested 5-yearly.

• Accommodation ladders to ISO 5488 Ships and marine technology
• Gangways for seagoing vessels to ISO 7061 Ships and marine technology

As the OEM for over 300,000m of gangways, we can support the compliance & safe operation of your gangways & ladders:

• Service history, Certificates, and Drawing management
• Service agreement option
• Diary booking system with reminder service

In addition to our current support services, we have introduced REMOTE SURVEYS for your convenience via a trained OEM partner on a video call with your on-site personnel.

Annual Survey & report

• Visual Survey Remote support—*NEW*
• Visual Survey on-site
• Training & Maintenance Advice
• Repairs & Spares Ordering

5 yearly Survey, load test & report

• Pre-survey Remote option—*NEW*
• Load test on location or in our workshop
• Repairs at our workshop
• Option of a hired Courtesy gangway

Spares, replacement parts, and repairs

• Stanchions, Ropes & Lifting slings (LOLER)
• Rollers, Wheels & Castors
• Safety Nets & Pilot Ladders
• Complex Spares

Please contact us to discuss how we can save you time, money, and effort

TyneGangway Aftersales Services

OEM carrying out a remote survey Load test on a 46m overhead braced gangway trained personnel carrying out remote survey


Tyne Gangway supplies a wide range of marine access equipment including, aluminium gangways; SIS7 bulwark ladders, and lifting slings from stock, which are readily available to hire (longterm or short) or purchase, we also stock a suitable range of marine safety nets for purchase.

Our standard aluminium gangways are available in various lengths from 2m to 25m long x 0.6m wide, they are suitable for use at angles up to either 30° or 50°. Each gangway can be supplied with gangway safety nets and lifting equipment, which is LOLER certified by our sister company, Lift-Rite Engineering.

Contact us at or call us on 0191 2623657 to discuss your requirements.

4m Aluminium Sala GangwaySala/Shala Aluminium StanchionsMarine Gangway Safety Nets Rectangular Marine Gangway Safety Net Triangular Aluminium SIS7 Bulwark Ladder


Recently, Tyne Gangway saw the load-out of 6 aluminium pedestrian dolphin access bridges, ranging from 25-40m long. For further information or if you have a requirement for this type of bridge, please contact us on 0191 2623657 or email

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